Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy


Pelvic Floor Physiotherapists have completed postgraduate studies in PelvicFloor Function.  This is quite complicated.  It is important that the physiotherapist has this qualification and you don’t just see any physiotherapist.

Our pelvic floor physiotherapist will ask you alot of questions about your pelvic floor function –this is important as it helps her work out how to help you. She will assess other factors that may affect your function.

In either the 1st or 2nd appointment you will have either an ultrasound or vaginal assessment of your pelvic floor depending on your preference, condition and doctor’s instruction. If your preference is an ultrasound please drink 1-2cups of fluid 1-2 hours prior to your appointment so you can have the scan.


  • Embarrassment
  • Misconception that it’s normal to leak
  • Finding time to treat yourself
  • Compliance to exercise

This is why it’s important to have the right person treating YOU!


Incontinence     - This may include stress (eg. Cough, sneeze, jump), urge (bladder overactivity)–urgency to get to the toilet or Mixed (both of these Incontinence. There is level 1A evidence (this is the highest) that correct pelvic floor strengthening can cure or help manage these conditions.

Urgency- Not necessarily with incontinence- urgency can still have a huge impact on an individual’s life. Bladder retraining techniques, education and pelvic floor strengthening will help manage this condition.  TENS may assist.

Pelvic Organ Prolapse –Level1 evidence reports pelvic floor strengthening should be first line treatment for this condition. A gynaecologist may use a pessary to assist with support whilst you are strengthening these muscles. Surgery may be the best option for you however pre-strengthening may improve function prior and will assist with surgical outcomes.  So whilst waiting for your gynaecologist appointment see our pelvic floor physiotherapist! Incontinence can be a complication of surgery and strengthening is the treatment for this so start now!  Associated pelvic dragging or heaviness may reduce with strengthening.  Prolapses feel worse at the end of day as you are upright and the pelvic organs descend with gravity.  An easy strategy to reduce symptoms is to lie down for 20 minutes during the day and rest the area.

Pre &Post- prostectomy –Any pre-strengthening will assist the motor connection between the brain and pelvic floor muscles postprostectomy. So if you have a chance attend physiotherapy prior to learn this and learn other strategies that will help.

Pregnancy–The increasing weight of the uterus, increasing laxity of connective tissue due to the hormone relaxin and vaginal delivery can all weaken the pelvic floor. Prolapse(50% first time mums!) and Incontinence (40%) can result.

Strengthening these muscles during pregnancy reduces the chance of this. It is also known to reduce the length of 2nd stage labour and assist with rotating baby’s head. Learning ‘motor’ control of these muscles is important so you are in control during labour!

Sexual Dysfunction–Overlytight  pelvic floor muscles can cause pain during intercourse.  This condition does not necessarily mean the muscles are strong. Physiotherapy treatment includes education, strategies for self-management, pelvic floor exercises for control, muscle releases and stretches.

The Physiotherapist will send a report back toyour doctor either at the time of your assessment or after your review when they can report how therapy is progressing.


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